Monday, December 31, 2012

Best platoon for second half of 2012 - Omega!


The latest platoon points for 2012 are as such:

Epsilon: 598


Omega: 625

So Omega is the best platoon for this second half of 2012! 

Your PMs are thinking of a suitable reward for you now, so look forward to something special in the first one or two weeks of training.

We'll be starting afresh for next year, so there'll be a chance to win (again).


Sunday, December 30, 2012

New First Aid and Evacuation Guide!


We've finally finished revamping the FA addendum! Now it's no longer a reference/encyclopedia-type document, it's made more as a guide to first aid and evacuation than merely a reference. While we've retained a lot of the content, we hope it'll be easier to read. Hopefully it'll be more useful as revision material after lessons or before accreditations. We might even use it in lessons.

Of course, it's merely a document, and first aid and evacuation are both largely practical subjects, so don't expect to learn everything from it.

Here it is:

Have fun reading! :)


Saturday, December 29, 2012

List of Injuries

Hi All
         Attached below is the List of Injuries by B56---we have decided to keep it separate from the FA Addendum (which we are revamping and shifting away from a 'reference' approach, as was the case previously).
        In any case we believe this List is rather useful in providing a convenient and useful reference for most injuries that you would normally encounter in the course of your FA lessons, so happy reading :)

The link for downloading is as below:

Looking forward to seeing you back in Training soon!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I'm going to start a series of musings, put up here to keep the blog a tad more interesting and alive and draw in more viewership (heck you guys might even actually learn something from these!1!311) So hooray.

So before that, here's a disclaimer: These opinions posted are mine and mine alone and are in no way reflective of what anyone else thinks. It's also fairly obvious who I am. So yes. These also aren't meant to attack anything/anyone and if you feel offended, you're probably being too uptight.

Oh but really, I might get a tad critical. If you can't stand people having a strong opinion, don't read on or you might get hurt :(

Anyway, we begin!

Inspired by

I'll quickly summarise the post on the UniChannel: some random person went for some random thing, blabla some random stuff happened and some lecturer asked (and I quote) ‘Are we truly helping others or helping ourselves?’ in reference to volunteering and helping people in need. So this random person who is clearly somewhat unquestioning about widely-held beliefs (See also: sheeple) to have not considered this at all in his or her life suddenly faces a dilemma! Oh no! Teen-life crisis!

So s/he goes on to feel depressed because s/he always thought that altruism (something I'll cover later) exists but gosh her beliefs have been challenged by a single statement so she (and I quote) "got really lost in life and in the things [s/he did]. Like being a Volunteer Instructor for Red Cross Youth, helping a wheelchair person to cross the road and all the things I thought I did in the past which were good".

Ignoring the strange sentence structure, this person's LIFE basically just got flipped around by a single question that's so simple and yet s/he failed to consider for AT LEAST 16 years of his/her life. Oh and it's basically saying that s/he is confused as to whether or not s/he is helping others out and doing supposedly "good" things merely for her own self-gratification (google it up if you don't understand, kids) and for her own benefit. So the person's confused, conflicted, lost, blabla, very sad stuff.

But s/he comes to a conclusion! That made absolutely no sense at all! You can go read it yourself, but I believe what s/he's saying is something like the fact that one questions whether or not his intents are truely altruistic is good enough already and the person will somehow miraculously and magically find his way back to the right path! Whatever the heck that is. Whee.

The post then ends off with some irrelevant photo of some old woman carrying a kid in a blanket. With some weird quote about having hands to help yourself (that's what she said).

So - now begins the fun part (have you ever done dissection in bio? Oh wait, no, you're still little kiddies hoho but this is where I dissect her post)

ANYWAY, ignoring the fact that this person has SOMEHOW NOT CONSIDERED SOMETHING LIKE THIS FOR SO MANY YEARS OF HIS OR HER LIFE (an amazing feat in itself), the conclusion of the post is what gets me the most. It makes so many assumptions that even the assumption song ( can't compare.

Basically, it's saying that it's GOOD to be altruistic, that we should WANT to STRIVE towards being selfless and helping others for the sake of it. The audacity of someone to actually say this is galling.

Altruism: Pure altruism consists of sacrificing something for someone other than the self (e.g. sacrificing time, energy or possessions) with no expectation of any compensation or benefits, either direct, or indirect (e.g., receiving recognition for the act of giving). [Taken from Wikipedia]


Ethical altruism: Altruism (also called the ethic of altruism, moralistic altruism, and ethical altruism) is an ethical doctrine that holds that individuals have a moral obligation to help, serve, or benefit others, if necessary, at the sacrifice of self-interest


Altruism: Bulls!@# in its purest form.

Altruism is the practice of giving/helping others without expecting ANY form of reward to oneself, be it CIP hours or money or what have you. Furthermore, it's assumed that the less one gets from doing the good deed, the better it is.

Do you have any idea what that assumptions means? What it implies?

It means that the WORSE you feel and suffer when you're helping others, the BETTER the act is. If you do a good deed but feel good about yourself while doing it then HELL NO OH NO NO NO HOW DARE YOU FEEL GOOD THAT'S SELFISH!!!111111

So compare, for example, person A who helps a lot of people but feels like "hey i'm doing a good thing" and becomes happy because he's helping people due to his empathy, and person B who helps a lot of people at the expense of himself and he ends up feeling wretched, miserable and depressed and is never recognised for his works. Person B is the one that's more morally righteous! BUT if person B at any point of time feels good about what he does or thinks like "hey I'm doing this stuff to feel morally righteous" then his acts suddenly lose their value.

IN OTHER WORDS, the more you suffer due to your helping others, the better a person you are. So your goal in life is to SUFFER AS MUCH AS YOU CAN! Hooray!

If you STILL don't see a problem with that, feel free to pass me all of your money and belongings and live on the streets and suffer (no I'm kidding, please don't...pass it to a charity or something or I might get into trouble with your parents)

Ok but really, this philosophy EXPOUNDS leading a sad life, dedicated to OTHERS and you receive no form of reward at all for what you do. Why one would even believe that suffering is the ultimate good (see the problem there?) really is beyond my understanding.

Then we have ETHICAL altruism, which is the same as what I mentioned above but goes on to state that we have an OBLIGATION to help others. An obligation that pops out of nowhere and clings to us for life (like some unwanted girlfriend)!

In relation to this, let's look at one of the NE messages that no one actually gives a crap about, shall we?

"No one owes Singapore a living.

We find our own way to survive and prosper, turning challenge into opportunity."

Similarly, NO ONE OWES ANYONE A LIVING. Simple as that (unless you sign a contract or something saying that you owe some dood a living but that's pretty doubtful). We have no obligation to others, and there is in no way a necessity to SACRIFICE ourselves for the sake of OTHERS (I mean, there's no justification for where this obligation comes from, and lack of proof = doesn't exist. Like how we say there's no unicorns or dragons or women rights because there's no proof that there are and yes that's a joke don't get all uptight women rights exist women are great yay feminism!!)

Ultimately, the crux of the problem is this -- there seems to be this notion that being selfish is somehow inherently wrong. This notion that to help others in order to benefit yourself is IMMORAL and 'using' them (another idiotic phrase, everyone 'uses' each other anyway, that's the basis of any mutual relationship), while to do things that benefit yourself but not others is somehow morally acceptable. Probably stems from some random Confusian values or something (or was that Confucian) but it's just plain stupid. There is NOTHING wrong with "selfishness" - in fact some herald it as morally upright (google up ethical egoism). Humans are not born slaves to each other. We're not born into lives of servitude with the very purpose of our existence to suffer while attempting to bring joy into others' who's goals in life are also to suffer while bringing joy to others. Everything ends up being an orgy of misery and tears if we were to follow through with this ethical altruism crap and it just doesn't stand.

[a bit more philosophical part, if your brain's already been turned to mush feel free to go back to mapling or watching soccer or whatever it is]

The idea though, that to be "selfish" is to be evil is a funny one. All this, of course, leads back to purpose(s) in life, and that stems from what's objective. As far as I can tell, the only thing that's objectively good is happiness -- I mean really, that's pretty much the definition/idea of happiness. This means that anything that makes you happy is good (ethical egoism once again). Is this what people call selfishness? Perhaps. But those that would deem "selfishness" evil, those that would decry working hard for only oneself, are the true evil ones. They are the looters, the moochers, the ones that seek to live off those that have succeeded more than them. Ever seen people (P) whine about how rich people (RP) who come into their fortune rightfully "waste" their money on fancy cars and big houses and are therefore selfish and evil? True, it may not be necessary to waste money on nice cars and bungalows - but it's their money and their property and they can spend it any way they want and it's hardly "immoral" to do so. Then again somewhere in the P's narrow mind is this little thought that the money would be better spent if given to them by the RP, so yes.

Any ethical egoism does NOT mean that oh, everyone's selfish, oh everyone only cares for themselves and backstab each other and the world goes up in flames and fire!

In the words of James Rachels, "Ethical egoism [...] endorses selfishness, but it doesn't endorse foolishness." I may be an ethical egoist but still support, say, the development of schools in third world countries because that results in better education systems, improvements in those countries and eventual benefits to me. I may be an ethical egoist but still won't, for example, backstab people in order to get a promotion or something because ultimately that doesn't help me at all if I'm not capable enough for it and everything gets screwed anyway.

Anyway, this has been a long post, filled with many many different things, and you may have gotten lost somewhere along the way, but moral of the story is -- humans aren't and SHOULDN'T BE altruistic/selfless, and it's fine to be selfish and think for only oneself and his/her happiness. There's a lot more on this topic that I couldn't cover because that'd take a few thousand words more and I can't think properly at 3.40 in the morning, so I end off with a few interesting sentences from Wikipedia and google and all those fancy websites.

WIKIPEDIA: "Altruism, ultimately, denies an individual value and is therefore destructive both to society and its individual components, viewing life merely as a thing to be sacrificed. Rand is quoted as writing that, "[i]f a man accepts the ethics of altruism, his first concern is not how to live his life but how to sacrifice it."[12] Moreover, "[t]he basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification for his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue or value." Rather, she writes, "[t]he purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live."

*Ayn Rand is an objectivist, the author of the books Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead - highly entertaining and enlightening reads, if not controversial. And yes Alfonse I know you think she's depraved or whatever

"Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche suggested that egoistic or "life-affirming" behavior stimulates jealousy or "ressentiment" in others, and that this is the psychological motive for the altruism in Christianity. "

"All of our commonly accepted moral duties, from doing no harm unto others to speaking always the truth to keeping promises, are rooted in the one fundamental principle of self-interest."

"Other philosophers, such as Thomas Hobbes and David Gauthier, have argued that the conflicts which arise when people each pursue their own ends can be resolved for the best of each individual only if they all voluntarily forgo some of their aims - that is, one's self-interest is often best pursued by allowing others to pursue their self-interest as well so that liberty is equal among individuals. Sacrificing one's short-term self-interest to maximize one's long-term self-interest is one form of "rational self-interest" which is the idea behind most philosophers' advocacy of ethical egoism"

"Ayn Rand argued that there is a positive harmony of interests among free, rational humans, such that no moral agent can rationally coerce another person consistently with his own long-term self-interest."

Feel free to read the criticisms as well:

Interesting stuff really. I do hope you search up more on these and start thinking and questioning.

Oh and another moral of the long blog post is to question everything, because there are widely-held beliefs that have real basis and are just being blindly followed, and you might be one of those little sheep bleating to the beat of the masses (if you haven't already gathered, it's not good to be one of those).

Thank you for enduring through all that, and once again, if you got offended or anything, then learn to lighten up because even the original poster on the UniChannel is perfectly fine with this post.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

First Aid Addendum being revamped


We're in the process of updating and revamping the First Aid Addendum on RIRC Treasure Chest. So please don't print it or anything until we upload the new one (we'll post on the blog when we do).

The new addendum will follow our current FA syllabus much more closely and will hopefully be useful for you to refer to for anything FA-related at home.



Omega's platoon CIP

Hi everyone,

Some of you may be wondering what happened to Omega's platoon CIP. Well, as the Omegans should know, we were planning to work with CHS Primary to give the students there FA lessons, but it didn't work out in the end. So we tried contacting some other organisations but got rejected as well. Then camp came and we got caught up with it. So now we're most likely going to work with HW Cafe, an organisation which helps children and teenagers with family problems with their homework and such. It also runs activities and camps for them. We'll probably help to run fun activities or perhaps help out more regularly. The details will soon be worked out with Omegans.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Consent form for camp


The consent form for camp is finally here!

Sorry again for uploading them so late.

Reminder for November camp

Hey guys,

This is a reminder that November camp is from 28th - 30th Nov, Wednesday to Friday.

Camp will start at 8.00am on 28th November, and end at 1.30pm on 30th November.

The reporting area is S. Rajaratnam Block foyer. PE attire or unit t-shirt should be worn.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Project Otella camp pack list


Here's the pack list for November camp. Sorry for uploading it so late.

We're rushing the teachers for the consent forms. Hopefully they'll be out in a few days' time.

*UPDATE* Please add in the following items in the packlist

  • Promotion Form x 1 (filled up)

*UPDATE 2* Even if you know you don't meet the promotion criteria, you should still bring your uniform and tie or RCU because you might get promoted in principle.

*UPDATE 3* There's also no need for the mug since we will be drinking packet drinks.  Note that the bottles do not have to be Coke bottles.
*UPDATE 4* We have received many queries about missing uniform parts/incomplete uniform parts. If you have any of these, please bring your School Uniform + Tie. Missing incentive badges such as Evacuation, Footdrill etc, are not considered as missing uniform parts.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Promotion forms


I hope you still remember the promotion forms that we briefed you all about quite a long time ago. We apologise for forgetting about these forms until now.

Filling in this form is necessary for you to get promoted. So please print the form out, fill in whatever details you can, and bring it for camp. We will give you the signatures in camp if you have met the respective criteria.

For Year 2s, please download and print this form:

For Year 1s, please download and print this form:

Thanks! See you in a week's time for camp!

Monday, November 19, 2012

November Camp Promotions 2012

Dear all,

Please be reminded to bring your promotion forms for November Camp 2012. We haven't uploaded the form yet, so please wait for it.

If you have any problems with your promotion forms, please contact your respective Platoon Mentors.

As for November Camp 2012 Packlist and Consent Form, we will be uploading them soon.

As such, please check the blog regularly between now and camp.

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

FA Refresher training on Thursday 15/11/12

Hi All
         This is just a reminder that there WILL be FA Refresher training tomorrow as per usual arrangements, from 0900 to 1500. It's the last session so do try to make the most of it by putting in your best and clarifying any doubts that you still have. Your trainers are generally very happy with the progress that most of you have made since last week, so keep up the standards! :)

Thanks and Have a Nice Day :)


Sunday, November 11, 2012

FA Refresher Trainings for Promotion Test

Hi All
        We'll be organizing the last two FA Refresher trainings on the 14th (Wednesday) and 15th (Thursday). The timing will be the same as last week, from 0900 to 1500. Attendance will be COMPULSORY.

Anyway some observations from last week's trainings from your Team Leaders/Trainers:

1. Good improvement in Team Dynamics and Communications! Most of you guys were able to respond to unfamiliar or drastic team configurations by being teamed up with different people at impromptu timings, and yet were able to handle the scenarios satisfactorily. Also most cadets made the effort to talk to their team mates and try to involve them or engage them in treatment of casualties~~less eye-powering.

2. FA knowledge and Bandaging Proficiency---could do a lot better. While most cadets 'know' how to tie correct bandages for most injuries that we threw at them throughout the last two trainings, they floundered when met with unconventional/uncommon injuries that require advanced experience (i.e mugging FA handbooks) or Improvisation.
An example would be an injury of "Burns to the Back"---the correct treatment would be to reverse the application of a normal chest bandage such that it now covers the burnt back area. During competitions and during your Promotion Test itself, you should Expect the Unexpected---do not expect the same old, typical scenarios or injuries every time.
Bandage Quality----still need more work on timing and quality, but a good improvement was observed in most cadets. Partly due to the 'stressful mentality' of scenarios that motivate people to tie them better.
CPR management---still needs more practice, but not such a big problem.

3. Reassuring of Casualties; Conduct & Professionalism----satisfactory and improving :)
Most cadets were able to get the hang of reassuring the casualty after some practice, handling the SAMPLE questions and approach of the casualty in an acceptably proficient manner. However you guys need to be more aware of your Conduct throughout the entire scenario---make-believe and faux it may appear, you will be expected to uphold the highest levels of professionalism and seriousness as First Aiders under any circumstance. Once again, do NOT:
-Laugh or joke around with team mates during treatment or in front of casualties. (X)

-Express doubts or appear unsure in front of the casualty in too obvious a manner. While you can (and should!) clarify any doubts in the course of treatment, do so discreetly. Do not reveal blatantly that you have 'forgotten' or "Don't know" how to treat nay injuries in earshot of the casualty (X)

-Treat the casualty or any passers-by with Rudeness or Disrespect The casualty or passers-by (their family members, friends, the public etc.) may panic or get distressed, but that does not give you the right to treat them rudely or violently. Approach them in a calm, courteous but firm manner by: (Asserting your role as a FAider) (Asking them to calm down/Go away, whichever is applicable) (EXPLAIN why---might obstruct course of treatment, aggravate injuries of casualty etc.)

Yup so that's basically the sum-up for last week's FA Refresher trainings. If you have any questions or doubts, do feel free to approach any NCO, or preferably, your Team leaders, for clarification. **OF COURSE---please do mug the FA Addendum as well as FA (B), (S) theory material in preparation for your tests (located in the Treasure Chest link below) . As they say, a little knowledge goes a long way, and it'll definitely be useful for your future promotions or accreditations eventually.

Have a Nice Break :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Extra trainings for promotion test


We'll be having the two extra trainings for the promotion test on 7th and 9th November (Wednesday and Friday respectively). They will last from 9am to 3pm, with a lunch break in between.

EDIT: The location of the trainings should be at the third floor of the Yusof Ishak Block.

Hope you can make it.

EDIT: These trainings are compulsory.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Promotion test


Here are the slides for the promotion test for your reference:
Remember that we will be having extra trainings for this promotion test during the holidays, so do check your emails or Facebook (if you have one) regularly for updates from your group leaders (PMs).


Sunday, November 4, 2012

SANA Course

Hey guys,

here are the details for tomorrow's SANA course:

Date: 5th November, Monday
People who signed up: Kelvinder, Shawn
Time: 8.30am to 5.30pm (lunch not provided)
Venue: 2 Sengkang Square #05-01,
             Singapore 545025 (Beside Compass Point Shopping Centre)
Attire: Mufti
Things to Bring: Stationary

Please make your own way there, as transport will not be provided.
Have a great time there!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Camp Update

Hey guys,

this is a notification that November camp's date has been shifted to 28th - 30th Nov, Wednesday to Friday.
The camp packlist and details will be uploaded very soon so please check your emails and the blog regularly.

For all those who cannot make it for camp and have not highlighted it to us, please do so by sending an email stating the reason, attaching the evidence to support it, to by 18th November, Sunday 2359. Submissions of excuses later than the above date will not be entertained and the consequences will be severe.

That's it for now, do enjoy your Nov/Dec holidays!

RCY Campfire @ Northbrook Secondary School

Hey guys!

As we have told you, RIRC has been invited to NBSRCY's campfire on next friday, 9th November.
Here are the details of it for all those interested in going:

Time: 1900 - 2200
Attire: Smart casual
Venue: Northbrook Secondary School, Parade Square
*Transport will NOT be provided (though we can always arrange to meet at the MRT station before heading off)

We will need to prepare a 3-5min performance, which can always impromptu and plan on our way there. :p
For those interested in going please drop Samuel/Amos sir a note via sending an email to the b61 email group or comment on Kian Guang sir's post on the RIRC Facebook group.

It shall be a night of fun, merry and wine! See you there!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Training tomorrow

Hi guys

There will be a photoshoot tomorow starting at 1400h, following that regular training will start at 1445h to 1715h
Sec 1s will be having their FD(B) accreditations, but you guys should be prepared already


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Training tomorrow


Sorry for the last-minute notification (we got a lot of conflicting information), but training will be from 3.15pm to 5.45pm tomorrow. Please report at the S. Raja Block foyer as usual.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Training as usual for the next two weeks

Hi everyone,

This is a quick reminder that there will be training as usual for the next two weeks (22 and 24 Oct and 29 and 31 Oct).

Next Monday's training (22 Oct) will be from 2pm to approximately 4.30pm.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gold Modular Workshop

Hi guys!

the October Gold Modular Workshop will be held at RC Campsite this Saturday, 20th Oct 2012.

Here are the following details:

Time*: 8:30am to 5:30pm (Lunch will NOT be provided, you may leave once the accreds are over)

First Aid Gold - Yu Jun, Tianyi, Alfonse
Attire: Mufti (Unit T-shirt/PE + dark coloured track pants)
Bring: Water Bottle + Writing Materials + Notes + COMPLETED Silver monitoring form + Empty Gold monitoring form

Footdrill Gold - Shawn
Attire: Full RCU (get it prepared for UI)
Bring: Water Bottle + Writing Materials + Notes + COMPLETED Silver monitoring form + Empty Gold monitoring form

Evacuation Gold - Amos, JianXing, Forster
Attire: Attire: Mufti (Unit T-shirt/PE + dark coloured track pants)
Bring: Water Bottle + Writing Materials + Notes + A set of newspapers + COMPLETED Silver monitoring form + Empty Gold monitoring form

Please remember to get the Silver monitoring forms signed by any VI (just ask Colin or Zheng Wei sir), or else you will be sent home if you don't have them signed.

Good luck with attaining your gold badges! (it will be really easy so don't worry)

* Edited 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wonderwall Photoshoot :0

Hi All~,
            We will be having our annual official CCA photoshoot (to be included in the Wonderwall murals) on the 29th of October, from 1400 to 1600.

            You will have to be in your full RC Uniform; barring that, your school uniform. We will be very strict on standards and your general appearance during the photoshoot and as such please do inform us early if you have any problems with your uniform or uniform accessories that require rectification. We will need time to handle such requests so do make the effort to inform us asap.

            We are aware that a significant number of you do not yet have your uniforms or some uniform parts, but we are unable to really do much as the suppliers are not very responsive. We will try to secure uniform parts from Sirs who have passed out of the Unit though, but there may not be enough.


Have a Nice Day :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

November Camp Date

Dear all,

The confirmed date for November Camp will be from 19-21 November (Monday to Wednesday). Reporting will be at 8.00am on Monday, and dismissal will be at 2.00pm on Wednesday. It will be held largely in Raffles Institution. Attendance is COMPULSORY - please do try to reschedule your holiday plans (or if you have not already, plan to do so) to avoid the above period. It's going to be a fun experience (plus PROMOTIONS) - that we promise you.

If, for any reason, you cannot make it for any part of the camp, please email our batch group at

However, even though the promotion ceremony for both Year 1 and 2 cadets will be during the camp, it does not mean that you will not be promoted if you miss the camp with a valid reason. If your attendance and behaviour have been excellent otherwise, rest assured that missing the camp will not cause you to not get promoted.

Further details will be posted in the coming weeks, so watch this space!

Have a nice day!



SANA Course

Hi All
         The annual SANA course held by the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association is coming up---we are looking for interested participants. It's a relatively short course (and you don't really have to do much except listen and complete checklists honestly) and you'll get a badge too!

Date:                          2nd (Friday) OR 5th (Monday) November 2012
Time:                           8.30am to 5.30pm (lunch not provided)

Venue:                       2 Sengkang Square #05-01,
                        Singapore 545025 (Beside Compass Point Shopping Centre) 
Attire:                          Mufti
Things to Bring:         Stationery
There are 2 dates for you to sign-up on either the 2nd or 5th of November---we are currently only able to send 5 cadets each for each date. Allocation will be given on a first-come-first-served basis, so do email the B61 email asap if you are interested. Deadline for registration: 20 October
Have a Nice Day!

Red Cross Youth Challenge 2012 (RCYC 2012)

Hi All
        We are looking for interested participants for the annual RCYC event---in line with RCY's 60th Anniversary this year the event will incorporate a more fun and exciting race element and focus (feel free to approach your seniors for more details). The theme for this year's event will be the RED race ("Ready, Excite, Discover") and you can look forward to interacting with people from other units (and even other countries) across the 4 Day 3 Night event.

        As those who have previously attended past RCYC events can attest to, it'll seriously be a very exciting and fun camp (and very different from what you'll experience in RIRC). Places are limited---currently we are only able to send up to 3 x Secondary 2/3 participants + 3 tentative reserves. If you are interested, just send an email to the B61 email asap. Also feel free to ask your seniors for more details on RCYC if you have any doubts!

Some details:

Camp Date: 13-16 December
Contact Session ("Preparatory Session" before the camp--Compulsory attendance):
1 December

Please send in your applications by 20 November

Have a Nice Day :)


Monday, September 24, 2012

Gold Modular Workshops!!!


Ok yeah this post is mostly directed towards the sec 2s cos there's a gold modular workshop coming up and you guys can finally join(!!)
Basically, gold modular workshops are where you get accredited for subjects and they're the only ways you can get your Gold ranking for like Evacuation or Outdoor Activities so it's like very cool stuff and all. Yes.

So you guys will be eligible for:
FA(G) - most of you passed SFA
RCK(G) - most of you have RCK(S)
Evac(G) - just have Silver reaccreds during the 1 week period after the EOYs
FD (G) - just have Silver reaccreds during the 1 week period after the EOYs
OA (G) - ...if you want we can possibly hold external trainings to get you guys to pass Silver, after the EOYs (but really OA is pretty useless hur)
Basically, you can join any subject, although there's a quantity limit of 5 applies.

And don't ask me about the sudden font change.

Anyway, I'd really suggest signing up for the subjects that you're more passionate about and have more interest in because gold modular workshops don't come very often and you guys must have a gold by the time you're an NCO anyway so might as well just get one early and be done with it (only people with Gold can accred others for bronze/silver)
Also, it's a chance for you to get to go to some HQ event since most of you probably haven't and it'll be interesting. Yeah. And hopefully fun.


EDIT: Please send an email to the batch group,, with your top three choices, in order.

For RCK (G), please form a team of 2-5 members. The bigger the team, the better. Please send one email stating all members of the team. 

ALSO, if you're interested in UIP, it'd be good to have a gold in your area of specialisation as well.
UIP is basically the Unit Instructor's Programme, where you learn how to teach (so you're taught how to teach). It's pretty useful for some people and it also allows you to get connections from other units.

The thing about it though is that you have to choose one subject, like FD, to specialise in, so they give you more tips on how to teach FD as compared to other subjects. 

As such, if you're interested for UIP and specialising in, say, RCK, it'd be good to get an RCK gold this time roudn.

Do note though that priority will be given to NCOs!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


whas up guize
hope you've been doing plenty of 
Har, har. Yeah.
In any case, exams are in like TWO weeks time, and if you haven't been studying hard, then you should go kill y - err, I mean, follow our tips! 

1) Get out of your house. Yeah, seriously. Or rather, get away from your lousy no-good computer with that pesky internet that reaches out to you with tentacles to (rape you) keep you entangled and trapped within the mazes of irrelevant, redundant crap. And Facebook. Facebook is failbook. Get your puny butt off it. 
Instead, go somewhere else outside to mug! To the library! To the S.Rajaratnam Block! To a coffee-shop (I mean like Starbux not the hawker center kind. Though that works too)! To Mars and beyond!
And with this method you get to save on air-con fees if you head to places like the library wheeeeeeee

2) Study with friends. Make a study date. Arrange a place. Bam wham, and then you're together mugging in peace.
-You're obligated to get your lazy posterior out and studying because if you stand them up or cancel on them you're being a Tom|Dick|Harry (read between the lines). Yes.
-If there's anything you're unsure of, you get to ask them about it. You also get to help answer their questions and that's like plus points to your friendship and all.
-It's a good excuse to go studying with a girl. Woohoo. Just make sure you spend more time looking at your work than her face (or below that).

3) Compile notes. If you're feeling lazy and don't wanna actually do any work, grab all your notes out, summarise them, put them online and SELL THEM. Or just share them around like a good Rafflesian would :) If you can properly summarise a set of notes, it means that you're able to understand it and aren't a completely useless 81jagvwa978y1>>???. Also, it's a good way to revise.

4) Don't let yourself slack off. Keep reminders everywhere. Paste a sticky (real one) in front of your computer, on your soccer ball, on your book covers, whatever. Keep telling yourself that exams are in two weeks time!!!!!!!!! That's right, >two<! Yep.

And that's about all from us (me)! If you need any help, feel free to approach anyone of us and we'll see what we can do :)
Good luck

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

SFA test

Hi guys,

For those who did not come to collect the consent forms for the SFA test, here it is.

For those who want some last minute practice, meet at the SR block at 1pm this Friday. Samuel and Zijun sir will be there to help you. For the rest of you, meet at 1.50pm at the raffles square. Transport will be provided to RCHQ where the test will be held. The test will last until about 6pm.

On a side note, congratulations to Yu jun, Reeve and Shawn for passing their EHL


Friday, September 14, 2012

Useful first aid tips


Just a heads-up to all of you who are interested in joining FACom, or in FA in general - (the official RCY blog) has very useful posts under "Lightbulb" which give tips for doing well in FACom. While these are targetted at FACommers, they're useful to any first aider. So if you have time go ahead and read them.

On a side note, good luck for your EOYs! :D

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's official.
We've won.
Inter-UG 2012 -- Soccer.
Second place - RIRC.

This is history in the making.

For years, we've never broken past into the 1st-3rd placing for anything. Anything
But now, we've finally done it. We've made it. We've shoved it in the other UG's faces. Hey, look, RED CROSS got second and whooped your !@#$ in soccer. Suck it.
Congratulations to the soccer team! :D
Let's work towards first placing for next year, eh?

Bring it on

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Dear all,

There has been a change in reporting location for inter-UG games tomorrow. This is a reminder that all of you are to report to the parade square at 3.45pm sharp

That's all, and all the best for the Inter-UG Games Day tomorrow!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Trainings for Wk1 of Term 4

Hey guys just a reminder about the trainings next week,

Monday's training will be a Fun Training ( xD ) and Wednesday's training will be cancelled due to us participating in the Inter-UG Games instead, there's a excel sheet of who's participating in what event below this post so make sure to check that out!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Inter-UG games

Hi guys,

Here are the groupings for the inter-UG games


Phoenix Quiz 5.1

Please comment the answer below with your name and platoon. First correct answer earns 20 platoon points.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Phoenix Quiz 4.3

Hi please comment the answer below along with your name and platoon

Friday, August 31, 2012

Evacuation (B) accreditations results


Here are the results for the accreditations:

James, Kuan Yang, Harish and Jack passed the theory paper (15/19).
Everyone else failed.

No platoon points will be awarded for the theory results.

For practical, everyone passed except Jared.

Top scorers for the practical are Yu Chen, Chang Yi and Kuan Yang with 72/79. 
50 points will be awarded to Epsilon and 25 to Omega.

The overall top scorer is Kuan Yang, with 87/98. 25 more points will be awarded to Epsilon.

Don't worry about the theory results. We'll go through the theory again with you (after EOYs) and then take the paper again (but 6 more questions will be added (because 6 were voided for this paper)). 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hi Guys,

This is just a reminder that this Saturday's CCL is from 8.00am to 11.00pm. Report at the S.Raja block foyer at around 7.50am in your unit T-shirt. Do be on your best behaviour as RGS and Coral Primary School will be there as well and you don't want to ruin our image in front of them.

Also, for those who did not come on Monday/lost their consent forms, download this soft copy and print it out for your parents to sign.


Term 3 Attendance - Final Reminder

Dear all,

This is a final reminder for those who have not submitted their excuse forms for trainings and special events they missed in Term 3 to do so ASAP.

Please scan your proof and excuse form (signed) and send to by Friday 31st August 2012 2359.

If you still do not submit your excuse forms by the deadline (except for special cases), the trainings and special events that you did not attend in Term 3 will be marked as absent without valid reason.

Thank you for your cooperation!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Inter UG games

Hi guys,

As mentioned earlier, there will be inter-UG games on T4W1 Wednesday.

The 6 events are the half-marathon, soccer, basketball. frisbee, captain's ball and floorball. All events need at least 5 participants except for the half-marathon which needs 14, not including reserves

Since we will be short-handed (sec 3s need to referee some games, people ponning), most likely everyone will have to participate in a game.

As such, please send in ur top 3 choices for the inter-UG games so that we can assign you to the respective sports. If we do not receive anything, we will assign you any of the games that are lacking people. You will need to email your respective platoon mentors to state your choices.

Epsilon: sec 1s - Yimin sir (
               sec 2s - Jian Xing sir (
Iota: sec 1s - Brendon sir (
        sec 2s - David sir (
Omega Daniel sir (

Please email your choices by tomorrow 2359

Meme of the week 2

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Phoenix Quiz 4.1

Please post your answer below. 20 points is up for grabs!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Phoenix Quiz 3.3

Please comment below with the answer along with your name and platoon

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Phoenix Quiz 3.1

Who founded Red Cross and when did he/she do so?

Monday, August 20, 2012


Dear all,

(edit: 21 August 2012 11.55 pm, New Attendance Tables have been reuploaded. Please check the pictures below for latest attendance records.)

We have reminded you guys to submit your excuse forms weeks ago. However, we have not received many excuses from you guys.

Please note that those who have not handed in their excuse forms, please do so by next week Monday.
This is to ensure that when you are absent, your absence is accounted for.

(Also, your Promotions will be held in November Camp, so please ensure you have a good attendance record!)

Here are the attendance records. Orange highlights mean that you have not given a hardcopy of your excuse for the trainings/events that you were absent, green means you have, and red means that you do not have a valid excuse.

Year 1 trainings (2 pictures) (latest)

Year 1 Events (latest)

Year 2 Trainings (2 pictures) (latest)

Year 2 events (latest)


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Consent form for Home Visit


Here's the link to the consent form for the Bishan Home visit tomorrow. Really sorry for posting it up so late. We gave the teachers quite a lot of time to get it out, but for some reason there were delays so we only got it tonight.

Please print it out, sign it, and bring it tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Paparazzi Photos! (4)


Today, I was again observing you all during training. Again, I was impressed with some of the good behavior  which everyone should follow. In order to reward these deserving cadets, I have decided to award more platoon points! Here are some photos which I took:

In this picture, you see Year 1 Cadet Aloysius raising his hand to answer a question. This should be the way you all raise your hands to answer questions! 20 Points to Iota!

Here, we have Year 2 Cadet Jun Wei. He was spotted sitting up straight and paying attention to the Sirs who were conducting lessons. 20 Points to Epsilon!

Another Year 2 Cadet Gavin was also seen sitting up straight during a lesson today. 20 Points to Iota!

During Footdrill today, Year 2 Cadet Adam was seen in Senang-Diri. From this photo, you can see that the positions of his hands and fingers are excellent, forming a V-shape. Good job! 20 Points to Epsilon!

Do stay tuned for my next post! Until then...
Mr Paparazzi

Papapaparazzi Shots [Double Bonus]


as RC Cadets,all of you should have a clear sense in the rich heritage and history of RIRC, in our archives alone, we have a collection of over 3 DECADES worth of yearbooks !! Without further ado, lets begin our journey to our past ...

^ See. That is the essence of our forebears, DISCIPLINE, unless you want to make your sirs angry, please remember to have   DISCIPLINE  © [MR. Josef Wong],   DISCIPLINE  can be found at all major outlet of heart, souls and RED CROSS, so remember your  DISCIPLINE at all times.

^ MANLINESS. Such is RIRC back in the olden days, everyone is buff and happy and content and buff, remember EXERCISE is an important part of RED CROSS, unless you want to make your sirs angry, please remember to have  EXERCISE © [MR. Kang, the science teacher],  EXERCISE can be found at all major outlet of heart, souls and RED CROSS, so remember your  EXERCISE  at all times.

POST SCRIPT: 20 PLATOON POINTS to whoever can name the platoon the above seniors are in.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

FD (B) re-accreds and FD (S) uniform inspection tomorrow


Sorry for the really late notice but those who have yet to pass their FD (B) or FD (S) uniform inspection, please bring your uniforms tomorrow.


Monday, August 13, 2012

CPR Resources

Hi All!!

Regarding the CPR lesson, some of the sec 2s have asked us to put the steps for CPR online.

If you guys need to find out the steps for CPR, you can find them on the emergency action plan found on treasure chest.

Here is the direct link:

Also, you can take a look at this CPR checklist. It has been taken from the CPR examiner's rubrics, so the examiners use this points for marking.

If you have any other questions of CPR, please raise them to any of the FA specs.

SFA is coming up, and please do work hard!! You guys will only get one shot at it for this year!

Epsilon platoon CIP

This is a post on behalf of Epsilon again.
We are going to Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled for a home visit. During the visit, we will engage in some simple activities and games with the residents to cheer them up.
Date: 17 August 2012, Friday
Meet at: Canteen, 2pm
Dismissed at: Raffles Institution, 5pm
Attire: School Uniform
Things to bring: Water bottle and valuables (leave your bags in school)
First of all, some suggestions when you are there:
  • If the people approach you threateningly, don't be frightened. Just lightly grab their wrists and "dance" with them. They will most probably get distracted and leave.
  • If they ask questions you cannot answer such as "Will I ever go home?" or "Will my parents come visit me?", you must divert their attention by leading them to activities or changing the subject.
  • If the people hit you, they are probably just beckoning to you. This is because their sense of touch is impaired and they feel that by hitting you, they are actually just tapping you. You cannot be scared and run away, just tell them kindly that if they want to beckon to you, just tap your hand.
  • If the people want to go to the toilet, inform the staff that will be present there.
  • If anything serious happens, tell the staff
For the 1.5 hours we have to engage them in activities, we have come up with 2 activities
Firstly, we will have station games including throwing ping pong ball into buckets, mini bowling, transferring water from one station to another
If this is a disaster, we will have musical chairs
If the station games fails and we have too much time, we will give out paper and ask the people to colour them. After that, we will show the people how to fold paper planes and then guide them through it slowly. Following that, we will ask them to throw the planes.
After that, we can end the activities and allow the residents to leave. We will then conduct debrief and clear up
This is a compulsory event and attendance will be taken. Absence without valid reason will not be tolerated.

Remember to submit your excuses to the batch group followed by hard copy of the excuse form to the sirs if you are unavailable on that day.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Consent form for flag day tomorrow

Hi guys,

Here's the link to the consent form - for those who are going, please print it out, sign it, and bring it tomorrow.

The details of the flag day can be found in an earlier post.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August Gold Modular Workshop

Hi guys!

for those going for the workshop this Sat, here's the details:

Date: 11/8/2012 - This Saturday

Venue: Red Cross Campsite - Make your own way there

Time: 0900 - 1730

FD/RCK - Full Red Cross Uniform
Evac/FA/OA - Mufti (PE T-Shirt/RC Shirt + Track Pants)

To Bring: 
1. Water Bottle
2. Notes - Remember to download the gold notes from theUnichannel and PRINT them, mug them beforehand!
3. Writing Materials
4. Signed Silver Monitoring forms + Empty Gold Monitoring forms 
-> For sec 2s, come earlier to collect your silver monitoring forms from Samuel Sir there
-> Gold Monitoring forms can be downloaded off theUnichannel as well

Lessons will be conducted in the morning, and the accreds will be done in the afternoon. Lunch is NOT provided. There will be a lunch break in between, when you can go to the nearby hawker centre for your meals.

Please print the notes and MUG them before going for it this Saturday. Do mug your silver stuff as well, in case you had forgotten them! :)

Good luck in obtaining your first gold! 

Phoenix Quiz 2.2


Hai guize,

happy National Day! Enjoy your 5-day awesome break (but don't fall sick cos we've training on Monday as usual)

Also, tune in to catch Shawn being buff during the parade (hopefully he's not too short that the camera fails to capture him)

Here's a complementary video for you :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

External collection (Flag Day) - Iota platoon CIP


We're posting this on behalf of Iota:

The details are as follows:
Date: 11 August (This Saturday)           Time: 11am to 4pm
Meet at: Main Atrium, 11am sharp          Dismissed: Main Atrium, latest 4pm
Attire: PE shirt OR Unit T-shirt + PE shorts
People involved: RIRC Year 1-3 cadets
(those going for Gold Modular Workshops are not required to attend)

We will be posting the consent form here later.

As usual, if you are unable to make it or have to leave early or come late, please email your excuses to the batch group and give us a hard copy of the excuse form/parent's letter/MC next training.

Hi everyone, once again we are back with the next instalment of the Phoenix Quiz. Please participate actively and do your platoon proud. The previous winner was Gordon Wong because he was the first one with the correct answer, so 20 points to Epsilon

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Epsilon platoon CIP

Hi everyone,

This is a post on behalf of Epsilon.
We are going to Bishan Home for the Intellectually Disabled for a home visit. During the visit, we will engage in some simple activities and games with the residents to cheer them up.

Date: Undecided as of now. A confirmed date will be released later.
Meet at: Canteen by 1pm
Dismissed at: Raffles Institution
Attire: School Uniform
Things to bring: Water bottle and valuables (leave your bags in school)

First of all, some suggestions when you are there:
  • If the people approach you threateningly, don't be frightened. Just lightly grab their wrists and "dance" with them. They will most probably get distracted and leave.
  • If they ask questions you cannot answer such as "Will I ever go home?" or "Will my parents come visit me?", you must divert their attention by leading them to activities or changing the subject.
  • If the people hit you, they are probably just beckoning to you. This is because their sense of touch is impaired and they feel that by hitting you, they are actually just tapping you. You cannot be scared and run away, just tell them kindly that if they want to beckon to you, just tap your hand.
  • If the people want to go to the toilet, inform the staff that will be present there.
  • If anything serious happens, tell the staff
For the 1.5 hours we have to engage them in activities, we have come up with 2 activities

Firstly, we will have station games including throwing ping pong ball into buckets, mini bowling, transferring water from one station to another
If this is a disaster, we will have musical chairs

If the station games fails and we have too much time, we will give out paper and ask the people to colour them. After that, we will show the people how to fold paper planes and then guide them through it slowly. Following that, we will ask them to throw the planes.
(All activities are tentative as of now and are subject to change).

After that, we can end the activities and allow the residents to leave. We will then conduct debrief and clear up

This is a compulsory event and attendance will be taken. Absence without valid reason will not be tolerated.

Remember to submit your excuses to the sirs if you are unavailable on that day (once the date is confirmed).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Attendance Issues

Hi guys,

Here are the attendance records. Orange highlights mean that you have not given a hardcopy of your excuse for the trainings/events that you were absent, green means you have, and red means that you do not have a valid excuse.

Year 1 trainings
 Year 1 events
 Year 2 trainings
 Year 2 events

Those who were absent for newspaper collection, you know who you are. The deadlines for the excuses is Term 3 Week 8 Monday.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

Newspaper collection

Hi everyone,

(This is a repost for easy reference).

Please report at the Main Atrium in your PE attire or unit t-shirt at 8am.

There is no need to bring anything except for your water bottle and consent form (which we will be giving to you on Monday or Wednesday).

The event will last until approximately 2pm.

We will basically be going from flat to flat in the HDB blocks opposite RI (blocks 101 to 116).

If you are unable to make it to this event (or have to leave early/come late), please email your excuses to our batch group,, or pass your excuses to us next Monday.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Hi Cadets,

From now on, whenever you have missed trainings, you are expected to submit an excuse form (in hardcopy) the following training. Also attach a hardcopy of your reasons why you were absent (e.g. medical certificate, teacher's letter).

Here is the form that you guys need to use

This will take place immediately. Those who have already submitted an excuse for the days you were absent need not submit again. If you know you were absent on one of the trainings/events, please submit it ASAP. This is for your own good as we are not able to track whether you have a valid reason for missing training.

Newspaper collection consent form

Hi guys,

Here's the link to the consent form. Sorry for posting it up so late.

Please download it, print it out, sign it and then bring it to school on Saturday.

Also, please be reminded to send your excuses to the batch group,, if you will be absent on that day, stating your reasons.

Internal collection tomorrow

Hi everyone,

This is a post on behalf of Iota:

The internal collection for True Passion Healthcare (the CIP activity that Iota is doing) will take place tomorrow. They will need your help to go around to classes and collect money from people.

Date: Friday, 3 August (tomorrow)
Meet at: Main Atrium, latest 6.55am
(actual collection should start by 7am, but attendance has to be taken first, and the donation tins have to be given out)
Dismissed at: Main Atrium, 7.50am (students will be on time for normal lessons)
Cadets involved: ALL year 1 to 3 cadets

Attendance will be taken. Absence without a valid reason will be dealt with severely.

Iota cadets will be calling everyone up to remind them of this (due to the late notice). To save them time, if you have read this post, please acknowledge it by simply saying "read it" or something along those lines in the chatbox.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Paparazzi Photos (1)

Dear all,

During training today, I observed many cadets displaying good behavior and proficiency! I am impressed and decide to show you some photos which I have taken. I have decided that these cadets deserve platoon points for their platoons.

Year 2 Cadet Reeve displayed his excellent "hentak" technique where his legs are raised to 90 degrees. 10 Points to Omega

This is another example of good technique. Year 2 Cadet Andrew raises his legs up to 90 degrees during footdrill lessons. 10 Points to Iota

During Evacuation Lesson, Year 1 Cadet Benjamin was swift and quick in executing evacuation methods. Swiftness is essential is casualty evacuation! 10 Points to Omega

Year 2 cadets in squad formation. Look how smart and confident they look when they do not fidget in squad!

During Evacuation Lesson, Year 1 Cadet Yu Chen provided support for his batchmates when they needed help in executing evacuation methods! 10 Points for Epsilon

Good job everyone! Until next time, see ya!

Mr Paparazzi