Monday, February 25, 2013

Communication with NCOs


Some of you sec 1s may be confused or unsure about communicating with NCOs (your sec 4s). For example, if you need to skip training, who should you contact? Or if you're unhappy about how your batchmates are treating you, who should you tell?

Here are the avenues of communication you have:
  1. Facebook - for now, please don't add any NCOs as friends on Facebook. We'll add you into our RIRC Facebook group after March camp (at the end of which you'll be officially initiated into RIRC, and get your unit t-shirts). But after March camp, you can just talk to any of us on Facebook about anything. There's no need to be scared of us - we will not pump you or punish you during trainings for what you say to us on Facebook. 
  2. The blog - there's a chatbox on the blog (on the right panel). You can talk about anything you want on the chatbox, but please avoid totally irrelevant topics or spamming, since it will make it difficult for us to find relevant comments. We'll also be posting most important updates and announcements on the blog (such as the dates of special events, camps, etc.).
  3. Email - we have a batch email, Please send any queries you may have to this email (especially if you don't want your friends or seniors to read what you say). We generally use this email to collate responses for events/competitions and such as well.
  4. Contact list - it's in a link on the right panel (some way down). It contains the contact details of everyone in the unit. Please do not spread this. The information there is private. You can send personal emails to any of us NCOs if you have really private matters to talk about (but really, just use  Facebook, if you have it).
  5. Teachers - if you ever need to contact teachers for any matters, here are their emails:
    1. Mr Tok Wei Sin -
    2. Ms Ruhana Hashim -
    3. Ms Wan Yao -
    4. Ms Chen Haiqin -
IMPORTANT: Regarding attendance matters, Samuel (our vice-chairman) will be talking to you about it on another day. There are some protocols to follow with regard to this, because we take attendance very seriously.

Thanks. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask on the chatbox or comment on this post.


Platoon points for Monday (25 Feb) training

Here are the platoon points for the sec 1s' RCK lesson:

Epsilon: +15 points
Iota: +21 points
Omega: +30 points

Friday, February 22, 2013

Platoon points!


We've awarded platoon points for the war game we had on Wednesday's training.

Epsilon: +10 points
Iota: +50 points
Omega: +30 points

At the end of the game, Iota had 7 flags, Omega 6 flags, and Epsilon 2 flags.

Sec 1s, if you didn't know what platoon points are, basically they are a scoring system we have for platoons. This scoring system will be used for competitive activities during lessons and especially during camps (which is 18-19 March - refer to an earlier post for more details). At the end of the semester (though this is subject to changes), we will reset platoon points and reward the platoon with the highest platoon points at that point.

Also, look out for the scoreboard at the end of every training - it will reflect the latest platoon rankings.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Road Marshalling Duty and Pledge Cards

Hi guys, there is road marshalling duty for all the UGs tomorrow, so please be in school by 6.20am at the main atrium and in your unit/PE tee. 

 Also, please bring your pledge cards if you still have not passed them up. A police report will be filed if you do not pass it up (a lot of trouble which you wouldn't want to go through).


Monday, February 11, 2013

From all of us at batch 61

Happy Chinese New Year.
*cue dragon dance and people getting burnt by fireworks*


Also remember that your hongbao money isn't really yours, it's the pledge card's.*

*This is a joke. I mean the hongbao money thing, not the pledge card. But feel free to donate your money all away!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

March camp dates


March camp will most probably be on Monday and Tuesday of the March holidays, that is 18 and 19 March.

Please try to keep these two dates free.

We haven't confirmed the dates yet, but barring any unexpected circumstances, camp will be on these two days.


Publicity Booth for February Blood Drive 2013

Hi Year 3s,

Raffles Institution Red Cross is working with Raffles Institution Red Cross Youth Chapters (Year 5-6) to publicise their February Blood Drives.

Essentially, you (Year 3s) will be participating in a publicity event next week to promote the upcoming February Blood Drives in our school and get interested donors to sign up for it, through:

1. Publicity Booth
-With a mini-game designed by the Year 3s
-Cadets will tell interested passersby more about the upcoming February Blood Drives
-There will be a sign up sheet at the booth for interested donors to fill in their details
-Target audience: Year 4s who are currently 16 years old (must have had their birthday already) and Staff of the school (Because only they fit the age requirement)

2. Posters
- Year 3s are also designing posters to be put up in school for the same cause

As such, on Thursday and Friday, 7th and 8th February respectively, Year 3s are required to man the publicity booth at the school canteen (Year 1-4).

The duty roster can be found here:

While manning the booth, you should ask around for interested donors to try out the mini-game and tell them more about the blood drive.

NOTE: You can still have your meals at the booth.

If you find that there are mistakes with the duty roster or have any queries, do send them to our batch group at

Thank you and have a nice day! :)


Friday, February 1, 2013

Blood Badge Talk by the HSA (Consent Form)

Dear Year 3s,

The consent form for Saturday's (tomorrow) Blood Badge Talk by the HSA can be downloaded here:

Please print and get your parents to sign the consent form before bringing it to the event tomorrow.

Thank you and have a nice day! :)
